Wednesday, February 29, 2012

bake 52: week 9-- Babka

Michelle was our host this week for bake52!  She chose babka- a polish sweet bread.  I think I had heard of it before, but wasn't sure what it was exactly.  

OOoooh, Babka.  Let's just say this-- it's a good think I'm not Polish.  For if I had discovered my intense love for you back in my youth, I'm sure I would now weigh 400 pounds!  This is one of those recipes I am going to have to execute some serious willpower to avoid making weekly. :) 

I went totally rouge on this recipe, too!  Refrigerate 10 hours??  Forget that!  I wanted the babka for that evening-- so I just stuck it in the freezer for about 5 minutes and pretended that was the same thing.  I also completely forgot to do the egg wash step at the end-- it had been baking for about 20 minutes before I even realized I'd skipped a step!!  So I was really nervous that my babka was going to be terrible-- but thank heavens this is a very forgiving recipe!  It was DELISH!!  

My two babka's, fresh out of the oven.  {Who else loved the tips on pan lining???  Perfect!  They popped out of the pans beautifully!! I love bake52!!}

Close up of the babka yumminess!

... and a shot of the inside, swirled to yummy perfection!!

I am so in love with babka!  It was a huge hit with our family and our house guest we have this week.  I was actually planning on taking a loaf over to our neighbor, and my little guy about tackled me as I headed to the door to prevent it from leaving.  We had no problem taking care of two loaves!!  :)

Head over to Michelle's blog for the recipe!!


  1. I wondered how necessary it was to refrigerate for that long. Glad it worked! That makes this recipe all the more dangerous!!! It even looks delicious with the raisins! I was scared of them.

  2. I agree - I love the tip for lining the pan, so easy to get it out!! It looks so yummy, it makes me want to make it right now! Glad to know the freezer trick...I can make it faster now. That is probably a bad thing :)

  3. I'm so glad you went rogue! Good to know that the freezer thing can cut the time down so much. WE loved it too, and we'll make it again, soon.

    Your bread looks amazing! I skipped the nuts and raisins, but you're making me wonder...

    Thanks for the super sweet comment on my photos/post. It was actually you (well, your blog technically), where I saw the button for Bake 52, and wanted to join. So thanks!

    Wish we were neighbors, or even in the same neighborhood... we'd be super friends for sure!
