Wednesday, February 15, 2012

bake 52: week 7-- Pizza

 This week we baked-- PIZZA!


At first I was wondering if I would ever really bake my own pizzas from scratch when I know I can get one for five bucks at our local place in town-- but hands down, this was the yummiest pizza I've eaten!!  It is SO simple and I think that's why I love it so much.  I like simplicity. :)  You bite into it and can clearly taste cheese, tomato, and garlic.  It was just so yummy.  My husband and kids loved it too!!

The more I thought about it, I realized two things:
1. It's pizza, but it's not that crazy unhealthy.  Good oil, wholesome ingredients, and I actually cut the cheese in half because I didn't realize the dough would make two pizzas-- and it was great that way!  I think I'll keep making it with half the cheese. :)
2. Talk about budget friendly- every ingredient is something that I usually have on hand in my food storage {sometimes I run out of cheese, but that would be the only thing}, so a super inexpensive way to feed the family.  I'm always on the lookout for a staple recipe like that!

 The recipe calls for using a food processor to make the dough, but I don't have a food processor with a dough blade so I just used my mixer and it turned out great. :)

You also make the sauce-- crushed tomatoes, a little olive oil, and garlic.  This smelled amazing.  I think I was shocked- it was almost too easy!

My youngest little miss has fallen in love with helping me in the kitchen.  I had to joke that I know she must love baking- it's really the only time she listens to her mama!!  Anytime I'm in the kitchen, though, she comes running and wants to help me.  I love it.  She liked trying to roll out the pizza dough this week.

Here are our pizzas, all ready to pop in the oven-- as I mentioned before, I didn't realize I was making two pizzas when I started {I really should read things all the way through before I start!!!} so I ended up only having enough cheese on hand for one pizza.  I split it and used it for both- and I thought it was fine!!  I really liked it that way, actually.  

 Fresh out of the oven....

SO DELISH!   I will be using this again and again!!  I can't wait to try variations and see what works well. 


  1. See? I am tellin ya, taste is subjective. Or maybe it was user error, I subconsciously didn't want to cheat on Channing. Glad you guys liked it!

  2. I'm so glad it worked out for you! I like making my own sauce bc I can add as much garlic as I like and sugar to make it sweet!
    Looks delish!

  3. Looks so good. I LOVED this one too. So cute that your little girl is so into cooking. What fun!
